Team Award

Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT)
Dr KO Po-yuk 高寶玉博士 Director, CELT / Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Professor John LEE Chi-kin 李子建教授 Co-Director, CELT / Vice President (Academic) and Chair Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction |
Professor CHIU Chi-shing 趙志成教授 Co-Director, CELT / Professor (Practice), Department of Education Policy and Leadership |
Dr Sammy HUI King-fai 許景輝博士 Project Team Member, CELT / Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Dr YAN Zi 晏子博士 Project Team Member, CELT / Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction | Dr XU Hui-xuan 徐慧璇博士 Project Team Member, CELT / Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction
The Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT), an amalgamation of the Centre for Learning Study and the Centre for Small Class Teaching, both of which had outstanding track records in knowledge transfer performance, was established in June 2015.
Over the past two years, under the leadership of a strong team of academics, the CELT team has successfully secured more than HK$19 million of external funding for research and research-related projects, and has provided consultancies and school support services with domain-specific expert advice to 245 schools and 3,184 teachers in both mainstream and special schools in Hong Kong and Macao at the kindergarten, primary and secondary levels.
CELT has produced a broad range of outstanding knowledge transfer outputs, in the forms of scholarly publications, research reports, a resource package and a newsletter covering a wide spectrum of educational issues.
CELT’s ability to transfer University-owned expertise, knowledge and know-how to society is outstanding. At least 245 schools, 1,118 school leaders and over ten thousand teachers have participated in the projects, seminars and professional training workshops delivered by CELT. All of these activities have significant effects on practitioners in our local community. They also play a role in shaping school policy, refining school curriculums and enhancing learning and teaching effectiveness for diverse learners in different classroom settings in Hong Kong.
CELT has also contributed to knowledge transfer at local, regional and international levels. As a member of the Council on Professional Conduct in Education since 2014, the Director of CELT promotes the issue of professional conduct in education. Within the Asian region, CELT has developed mutually beneficial collaborations with various educational bodies in Macao, Nanjing, Taiwan and Singapore. For international networking, CELT’s academics and Honorary Advisors have worked collaboratively with The World Association of Lesson Studies, and the international project on small class teaching ‘Class Size and Effective Teaching International Network’. CELT is internationally recognised for its contributions to education.