Individual Award
(Early Career Research Excellence)

Dr Kevin CHAN Ka-shing
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology

Dr Kevin Chan Ka-shing’s research interests focus on mental health and mental illness. He has three intersecting lines of research: the psychopathology of mental illness; barriers to recovery from mental illness; and promotion of mental health.

Dr Chan secured HK$0.75 million from the Early Career Scheme (ECS) of the Research Grants Council (RGC) in 2016. He was the Principal Investigator for the project ‘The content and process of self-stigma in people with serious mental illness: A longitudinal study’.

In the past three years, Dr Chan has published eight papers (six as the principal author) in highly rated international journals, including Mindfulness, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Quality of Life Research, Psychiatric Services and PLoS ONE; these journals play a leading role in the field of psychology and related disciplines. He is also committed to disseminating his research findings to the wider community through various knowledge transfer processes.

Dr Chan has been invited to serve on multiple research committees and groups at the Departmental and Faculty levels. At the Departmental level, he was a member of the Departmental Research and Development Committee (DRDC) in 2015-16, and was the Acting Chairperson of the DRDC in 2015. As chair, he led the Committee to devise departmental research development strategies based on the results of the Research Assessment Exercise 2014.

At the Faculty level, he has been the Co-Director of the Centre for Psychosocial Health (CPH) since 2015. He plays a key role in the Centre’s strategic planning and resource management, overseeing the implementation of projects, and developing the Centre’s research and development infrastructure and networks.

With the view of transforming his research findings into scalable practice, Dr Chan has been giving talks on mental health and mental illness to students, parents and teachers in schools, healthcare professionals in hospitals, and individuals with mental illness and their family members in NGOs. Such community service also benefits the wider community and helps promote community care for mental illness.

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