Team Award

Team Award
Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology
Ms Tina MA Yunsi 馬韵斯女士
Educational Development Officer
Miss Nikita CHEUNG Wai-yin 張慧燕小姐
Executive Assistant
Mr Ebenezer NGAI Chi-ming 魏智明先生 Educational Development Officer
Mr Wilson CHENG Wo-sang 鄭和生先生
Assistant Educational Development Manager
Mr Philip WAI Ming-yip
韋銘業先生 Educational Development Officer
Mr Walker YIP Yee-wing 葉義榮先生
Educational Development Officer
Mr TSANG King-kwun 曾景昆先生
Assistant Computer Officer
Mr Bruce LIU Yee-keung 廖義強先生 Educational Development Officer
Mr LAI Wai-ming 黎偉明先生
Assistant Educational Development Officer
Mr Charles WONG Chi-chuen 黃智全先生
Assistant Educational Development Officer
The Coding Education Unit of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) was set up in July 2015 under the Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC) to develop students’ confidence, personal recognition, community involvement and computational thinking through mobile app development, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) plus computing activities, and design and production of artifacts with 3D printing. To provide a favourable environment for students to acquire knowledge of mobile computing, STEM design and 3D printing, three well-equipped laboratories were set up for students to learn, explore and create.
To provide a well start for students to acquire computational thinking, the Unit offers courses, workshops, seminars and related learning and teaching activities on mobile app development, STEM plus computing design and 3D printing to all EdUHK students. Since its establishment, the Unit has organised a substantial number of non-credit bearing courses, workshops and seminars to promote all these related learning and teaching activities.
By the end of August 2017, the Unit had offered 15 classes of 39-hour non-credit bearing courses and 20 three-hour workshops on mobile app development, STEM plus computing and 3D printing activities. In total, about 700 students majoring in different subject disciplines, including ICT, science, mathematics, social sciences, creative arts, music, and humanities, attended the courses and workshops offered by the Unit. Most students provided very positive feedback on the courses and workshops. Without the Team members’ strong commitment and outstanding efforts, the Unit would not have achieved the encouraging achievements. In response to the students’ needs and feedback, the Team will refine and improve the courses and workshops and will continue to explore new courses and workshops to meet needs of students in the vigorous developing digital world.
The Team members have taken up teaching duties in addition to their normal technical support and administrative duties. The Team shall continue to work closely with internal and external parties to support EdUHK students’ development in the digital era.