Team Award

Department of Psychology and Faculty of Education and Human Development
Dr Rebecca CHENG Wing-yi 鄭穎怡博士 Assistant Professor of Teaching
Dr Emma E. K. BUCHTEL 蒲安梅博士 Assistant Professor
Ms Fiona POON Ching-yan 潘靜欣女士
Executive Officer I
Ms Sherjina FOK Ji-ni 霍尊妮女士 Executive Officer II
Miss WONG Wai-ting 黃瑋婷小姐 Executive Assistant
To support the University’s successful achievement of its “Education-plus” vision, the Team worked diligently to complete two challenging, high-stake exercises, namely the Re-accreditation of Programme of the Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Psychology [BSocSc(Psy)], and Programme Area Accreditation (PAA) in Psychology.
The two rigorous exercises required the Team to handle a great deal of administrative and coordination work throughout the preparation and process, including keeping their colleagues on schedule, working with them to prepare the submission data, and writing and editing submission documents. This involved building effective collaborative relationships across different units of the University and working under very tight, overlapping timelines.
The Team demonstrated the ability to establish and maintain harmonious working relationships. They readily performed as an integrated team with mutual respect and understanding of each other’s roles and shared common goals, and carried out tasks efficiently and well beyond expectations. Letters from key external and internal evaluators testified that the Team was highly regarded for its responsiveness, keen knowledge of policies and quality assurance mechanisms at all levels, thoroughness and accuracy, as well as for being pleasant, positive, and motivating.
As a result of the Team’s tireless efforts and steadfast commitment to achieving excellence, the outcome of the two exercises was exceptionally positive. The HKCAAVQ determined that the BSocSc(Psy) programme met the stated objectives and QF Level 5 standard, and could be offered as an accredited programme for a validity period of five years, without conditions. Just eight months later, the HKCAAVQ determined that the University could be granted PAA status for the programme area “Psychology” at QF Level 5 for a validity period of five years, without conditions. The achievements represent an important milestone in the University’s pursuit of full self-accrediting status for disciplines complementary to education.