Team Award

Faculty of Education and Human Development
Ms Eliza NG Kit-lin 吳潔蓮女士
Assistant Registrar
Ms Kit CHENG Kit-man 鄭潔敏女士
Senior Marketing Officer
Ms Cindy CHEUNG Tung-ching 張冬菁女士
Executive Officer I
Ms Clara MA Wing-yu 馬詠愉女士
Senior Marketing Officer
Ms Fiona POON Ching-yan 潘靜欣女士
Executive Officer I
The Team excels because its members care.
The Team’s knowledge-transfer video showed ways about how to take care of ADHD patients.
Its live-broadcast of a parenting seminar on Facebook reached out to a wider audience, helping parents throughout Hong Kong.
Its introduction of the “Smart Work Practice Award” has encouraged staff members to share good practice to improve work process and systems related to grade conversion, project management and more.
It standardized all procedures and uploaded relevant guidelines on website for easier access and reduction of paper usage.
The Team excels because the members enliven their office.
They made their work and life easier by organizing well-being workshops including “Mobile Photography” and “Useful Apps for Office Use”. 14 workshops were organised with more than 500 participants, all of which were well received.
Their “Masterchef” Contest and “Dialogue in the Dark” strengthened the connection and improved mutual understanding among different teams in the Faculty Office.
Above all, the Team has helped connect people within and beyond EdUHK.
The Team’s marketing efforts have drawn a record number of local and international students to EdUHK. It wisely added remarketing tags for effective search engine marketing.
It connects with potential mainland students through a WeChat channel and WeiBo, and uses Instagram to connect with younger Hong Kong students.
It created an innovative way to show the campus to prospective students using a 360-degree virtual reality tour.
The Team aims to be a catalyst in taking Faculty administration, marketing and branding to the next level.