Team Award 
Knowledge Transfer
Sub-office, Research and Development
Mr Lemon KWAN Hok-ming
Project Manager
Ms Connie FUNG Yuen-ping
Executive Officer I
Mr HA Yu-fung
Executive Officer II
Ms Tobby HO Yin-to
Executive Officer II
Miss Jaime CHAN Cho-ki
Project Officer
Mr Ashton LING Pan-hin
Project Officer
The Knowledge Transfer Sub-office (KT Sub-office) of the Research and Development
Office is the central supporting unit to foster knowledge transfer (KT) activities in EdUHK.
Since 2019,
the KT Sub-office has solicited external funding to support KT in EdUHK and the growth of the
unit. During the period,
the KT Sub-office has grown from four staff to 12 and has four teams: intellectual property (IP)
IP promotion,
entrepreneurship development,
and general administration.
The KT Sub-office is devoted to promoting the transfer of the University's
innovative knowledge
from the research stage to community and industry,
where it may have a tangible impact on people's lives. Additionally, instead of facilitating
knowledge transfer on a request basis, the
teams have taken a proactive approach to sparking interest,
soliciting funding resources,
creating incentives,
and promoting the culture of knowledge transfer among the EdUHK community.
The KT Sub-office has utilised internal and external resources to reinforce the
funding infrastructure to support the EdUHK’s KT initiatives. During the 2019 to 2021 academic
the KT Sub-office refined and upgraded its three existing funding schemes and added two new
schemes to provide holistic support for 69 internal applied research and KT projects.
Garnering external recognition for EdUHK innovations has been a major continuing
mission of the unit. From 2020 to 2021,
the KT Sub-office’s preparation and presentation helped garner 44 awards. In addition,
EdUHK research was presented to the Chief Executive during the CE reception for the Inventions
Geneva awardees in May and her visit to EdUHK in July 2021.
To further extend EdUHK’s KT impact on the innovation and technology eco-system,
the KT Sub-office concluded four commercial licenses with industrial partners from 2019 to 2021.
The unit also formalised KT partnerships with Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
and Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited to facilitate regular collaboration between
EdUHK and companies in the parks. Initiatives to set up an entrepreneurship centre and a student
development program are in solid progress to strengthen EdUHK’s research translation and KT
through entrepreneurship.
