About The Awards

Outstanding Performance in Knowledge Transfer

The President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Knowledge Transfer was established to recognize, encourage and reward individual academic and teaching staff members and teams who demonstrate the translation of University-owned knowledge, expertise, and innovation and technology to practical use by society through outstanding knowledge transfer (KT) activities. These activities have led to the fulfilment of social responsibility, profitability, or economic or social improvements. The impact of the activities may be academic, professional, social or policy-related on education or other sectors at the local, national or international levels. The Award committee considers evidence of excellence in KT in a variety of contexts, as listed below. The aim of the Award is to honour established individual academic staff members or teams who demonstrated excellence in KT in the two years preceding the Award.

Assessing the nominees (whether nominated by others or self-nominated) for the Award was a selection panel comprising Professor Stephen CHEUNG Yan-leung (President), Ms Imma LING Kit-sum (lay Council member), Professor Carly LAM Siu-yin (external member from a higher-education institution), Professor Chetwyn CHAN Che-hin, Vice President (Research and Development), Dr Vic LI Yu-wai (academic staff member elected by and from the Academic Board), Professor Stephen CHOW Cheuk-fai (Director of Knowledge Transfer) and Dr Kean POON Kei-yan (recipient of a previous President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Knowledge Transfer).

The selection panel used the following criteria to assess the nominees:

  • Success in securing competitive external KT grants, funding, donations or awards, and implementing KT activities, practices, cases or projects in the capacity of Principal Investigator;
  • The quality and quantity of their KT output;
  • Transference of University-owned knowledge, expertise, know-how, skills or technology to society through outstanding KT activities, practices, cases or projects;
  • Evidence of innovation, profitability, or economic or social improvement generated from their KT activities; and
  • The academic, professional, social and policy impact of their KT activities on education in the local, regional or international community.
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