Individual Award Dr CHAN Man Ho’s research interests lie in Astrophysics, Cosmology, Dialogue between Science and Religion, the Philosophy of Science, and STEM education. Dr Chan’s achievements in astrophysics are well-recognised in academia. His excellent research performance led to an invitation to be a speaker in an internationally recognized talk series, “the HEP-Cosmo-Astro joint seminar”, organized by the National Institute of Physics IFIN-HH Bucharest, Romanian Academy. In 2021, Dr Chan was a reviewer of the National Research Foundation (NRF) rating system in South Africa. Currently, he is the Collaboration Leader of international collaboration in the RAdio detection of DARk matter (RADAR), which involves about 20 scientists from seven countries/regions. He is also a Science Working Group member of the new international collaboration STROBE-X, led by NASA. As Principal Investigator, Dr Chan secured two General Research Fund (GRF) projects and one Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (HSSPFS) project in the past three years. During the same period, he published 34 papers, the majority of which appeared in top-tier journals, such as The Astrophysical Journal, and Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Dr Chan’s recent findings on the dynamics and indirect-detection of dark matter have reshaped our knowledge of the Milky Way, dark matter and the origin of life. Dr Chan is committed to disseminating his research in the local and international communities. He has served as an academic consultant for the Hong Kong Astronomical Society. In addition to promoting STEM education, Dr Chan hosts a popular RTHK science talk show and a science YouTube channel, and participated in a TV documentary series produced by Kharis Production in Scotland. In the classroom, Dr Chan is dedicated to helping school teachers implement STEM education through a Quality Education Fund project. Dr Chan’s novelty in combining science and education has been a key factor in pushing forward STEM development in Hong Kong. |
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