Individual Award
(General Faculty Member Category)

Dr YUNG Wai-ho, Kevin
Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Dr Kevin Yung is an educator of inspiration. His teaching philosophy encapsulates his INSPIRE framework, which contains the elements Innovation, Nurture, Scholarship, Professionalism, Impact, Reflexivity and Empowerment. He has skilfully embedded these elements into his teaching, course design, and leadership and scholarship of teaching, guiding his students and peers to exceptional educational outcomes.

In his learner-centred teaching approach, Dr Yung employs the innovative 3C-model, which involves Co-construction of knowledge, Critical dialogue, and Consolidation of knowledge. This process-oriented pedagogical model has revolutionised the classroom environment, making it a hub of active learning and continuous interaction, which not only fosters academic excellence but also cultivates essential skills, such as interdependence, critical thinking and effective communication among students. His 3C-model integrates online and offline interactions and recaptures the social aspect of learning, exemplifying his ability to create a comprehensive and engaging learning ecosystem. Dr Yung has shared his model and effective teaching strategies in staff induction, professional development workshops, and talks at conferences, both locally and globally.

Dr Yung’s commitment to research-informed course design has successfully addressed the diverse needs of our student population. He has developed five new courses and two online learning units at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in the past six years, integrating cutting-edge theory and practical applications that prepare students for real-world challenges. He has also introduced new issues, such as shadow education, into his teacher-education courses. His courses have consistently received outstanding evaluations, highlighting their relevance and effectiveness for student learning.

Beyond the classroom, Dr Yung’s leadership in teaching and scholarship has been equally impressive. As Principal Investigator for a Teaching Development Grant project, he has pioneered the use of generative AI in academic writing, setting a benchmark for ethical and critical engagement with emerging educational technologies. He also raised over HK$2.6 million from donations and Research Matching Grants and led a group of undergraduate students to develop AI-enhanced learning resources for over 3,000 financially underprivileged students. His contributions underscore his commitment to the use of technology for effective teaching and reducing educational inequality within and beyond the University.

Dr Yung’s unwavering dedication to excellence in education has created a profound impact on students, colleagues and the wider educational community. His work not only inspires but also empowers, nurturing the next generation of learners and educators.

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