About The Awards

Outstanding Performance in Teaching

The President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching was established to recognise and reward excellence in teaching and to emphasise the University’s commitment to fostering teaching innovation and excellence, enhancing student learning and providing teaching scholarships. Both individual staff members and teams at the institutional level are eligible for the award.

The nominees were considered by a selection panel comprising Professor John LEE Chi-Kin (President) as Chairman, Mr YAU Siu-hung (lay Council member), Professor TSUI Lik-hang (external member from a higher education institution), Professor May CHENG May-hung, Vice President (Academic), Professor Philip LI Hui and Dr FUNG Chi-wang (two representatives elected by and from the Academic Board), Professor TSUI Kwok-tung, Dr ZHANG Ling and Dr Anthony SUEN Chun-kit (three Faculty Deans/their nominees), Dr MA Qing (recipient of the previous President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching), and Ms Vivien TANG Foong-yee (student member on the Academic Board, invited by the President).

The panel members conducted a rigorous selection process, comprising both textual scrutiny and interviews with the nominees, using the following assessment criteria:

  • Adoption of learner-centred approaches, ability to engage, inspire and impact students, and demonstration of superior acumen in teaching (in face-to-face, virtual or hybrid settings);
  • Design of courses, programmes or curriculum that reflects a command of the field; and
  • Past and present achievements and leadership in teaching and potential scholarly contributions to, and impact on, the development of effective teaching practices in the University and other institutions.
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